Monday, February 7, 2011

Symatics and Cynesthesia?

Upon reading about synesthesia and cymatics, I wondered how I had never heard about them before. Even though they are both somewhat confusing topics, the subject matter they covered didn't surprise me. In fact I wondered how I hadn't learned about this stuff before. Synesthesia in art refers to the intended use of different senses in order to fully enjoy the art. Some artists attempt to make their films accessible only by means of trying to experience the sound of color, or the image of sound. While this seems to make no sense at all, it really makes for an intriguing type of art. I find it very intriguing that some people actually have a condition called Synesthesia, and that these people constantly associate a one sense with another sense. I know… I'm not very good at explaining it exactly. But I find it almost funny that while some artists actually have synesthesia and can experience this "blurring of the senses", other artists merely try to create art to try and induce a sense of synesthesia to the audience.

Cymatics is the study of sound and the images that are associated with creation frequencies or tones of sound. The perfectly symmetrical, round images made by cymatics reminds me of a kaleidoscope. After watching the lecture on cymatics, it absolutely racked my brain. I tried to wrap my head around the idea that every single sound in the world would create a different image. And even further, the idea that the higher the pitch is, the more intricate the image. It makes me wonder if it would even be possible to catalogue all of the different patterns that can be made due to cymatics. Or is the amount so large that it might as well have infinite possible patterns? Anyways, I would love to learn more about Cymatics, and to see the demonstrations conducted on a larger scale. I know it would be very difficult logistically, but I would like to see how the sand (or any other material that could be discovered to be used) reacts to the vibrations of the sound on a larger platform. But I would love to learn more about cymatcis if it isn't too advanced for my math-incapable mind.

1 comment:

  1. You have the key to learning this say you would "love" to learn it, go for it and enjoy! Todd
